masthead prod

GloveFAST Clean

GloveFAST Clean è la versione compatta di isolatore per test di sterilità fornito da Faster, adatto a soddisfare specifiche richieste degli utilizzatori in termini di spazi ristretti e prezzi contenuti. Questi isolatori garantiscono le stesse prestazioni di base dell’isolatore GloveFAST Aseptic e sono disponibili in 3 diverse dimensioni (1,2/1,5 /1,8 mt di larghezza).

Passa materiali IN/OUT integrato nel corpo della macchina completo flussato con filtro H14 HEPA/ULPA in flusso laminare

Guanti in neoprene e manichette in PVC

Struttura esterna in acciaio ferro-carbonio verniciato per elettro-diffusione con polvere epossidica con rivestimento Dupont ™ ALESTA® anti-batterico per un'eccellente resistenza alla corrosione all'attacco di sostanze chimiche aggressive comuni. In alternativa, sono disponibili modelli speciali con struttura esterna realizzata in acciaio inox AISI 304/316L.

Parete interna posteriore in acciaio Inox AISI 304 L, progettata per soddisfare i requisiti e superare i test di pulizia secondo EN12469:2000.

Piano di lavoro in acciaio Inox AISI 316 L facilmente rimovibile per agevolare procedure di pulizia e/o sterilizzazione in autoclave.

Filtrazione: 3 filtri H14HEPA / ULPA con efficienza minima del 99,995% MPPS (Most Penetrating Particle Size – penetrazione 0.005%) in accordo alle EN 1822.

Condizioni operative: Pulizia dell'aria in classe ISO 3 secondo ISO: EN 14644-1e Grado A EU-cGMP

Product Code Width [cm] Pressure Motor-blowers External Structure
GloveFAST Clean 2-4-2 - epoxy painted steel version F000315000FE 120 Positive Double fan epoxy painted steel

Technical sheet


FX0002044010 - Kit for Electric ATV DN150 with VHP/Pressure-test automatism 4-5-6 ft Isolator SS
FX00204401FE - Kit for Electric ATV DN150 with VHP/Pressure-test automatism 4-5-6 ft Isolator Epoxy painted steel
FX0002044040 - Hanging bar with 6 hooks for 4 ft Isolator
FX0002044050 - Window for PC monitor in the back wall with data socket for 4 ft Isolator SS
FX00204405FE - Window for PC monitor in the back wall with data socket for 4 ft Isolator Epoxy painted steel
A00XBBB53 - Touch screen monitor in the back wall
FS0000000043 - Isokinetic head
A00XBBB54 - Touch screen controls
FX0002044060 - Anti Blow Back Damper with adapter for 4-5-6 ft Isolator SS/Epoxy painted steel
FX0020441100 - Kit for connection to CLARUS L2 (VHP)
FX0020441400 - Kit for connection to STERIS (VHP)
FX0002044100 - Thimble for stainless steel isolator
FX00204410FE - Thimble for 4-5-6 ft Isolator Epoxy painted steel
GloveFAST Clean 2-5-2 - epoxy painted steel version F000316000FE 150 Positive Double fan epoxy painted steel

Technical sheet


FX0002044010 - Kit for Electric ATV DN150 with VHP/Pressure-test automatism 4-5-6 ft Isolator SS
FX00204401FE - Kit for Electric ATV DN150 with VHP/Pressure-test automatism 4-5-6 ft Isolator Epoxy painted steel
FX0002054040 - Hanging bar with 6 hooks for 5 ft Isolator
FX0002054050 - Window for PC monitor in the back wall with data socket for 5 ft Isolator SS
FX00205405FE - Window for PC monitor in the back wall with data socket for 5 ft Isolator Epoxy painted steel
A00XBBB53 - Touch screen monitor in the back wall
FS0000000043 - Isokinetic head
A00XBBB54 - Touch screen controls
FX0002044060 - Anti Blow Back Damper with adapter for 4-5-6 ft Isolator SS/Epoxy painted steel
FX0020441100 - Kit for connection to CLARUS L2 (VHP)
FX0020441400 - Kit for connection to STERIS (VHP)
FX0002044100 - Thimble for stainless steel isolator
FX00204410FE - Thimble for 4-5-6 ft Isolator Epoxy painted steel
GloveFAST Clean 2-6-4 - epoxy painted steel version F000317000FE 180 Positive Double fan epoxy painted steel

Technical sheet


FX0002044010 - Kit for Electric ATV DN150 with VHP/Pressure-test automatism 4-5-6 ft Isolator SS
FX00204401FE - Kit for Electric ATV DN150 with VHP/Pressure-test automatism 4-5-6 ft Isolator Epoxy painted steel
FX0002064040 - Hanging bar with 6 hooks for 6 ft Isolator
FX0002064050 - Window for PC monitor in the back wall with data socket for 6 ft Isolator SS
FX00206405FE - Window for PC monitor in the back wall with data socket for 6 ft Isolator Epoxy painted steel
A00XBBB53 - Touch screen monitor in the back wall
FS0000000043 - Isokinetic head
A00XBBB54 - Touch screen controls
FX0002044060 - Anti Blow Back Damper with adapter for 4-5-6 ft Isolator SS/Epoxy painted steel
FX0020441100 - Kit for connection to CLARUS L2 (VHP)
FX0020441400 - Kit for connection to STERIS (VHP)
FX0002044100 - Thimble for stainless steel isolator
FX00204410FE - Thimble for 4-5-6 ft Isolator Epoxy painted steel